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Today I went to the market to pick up some fresh veggies and found a remarkable selection of cucumbers and carrots! Out of all the pickings, there was one really green, healthy looking specimen of a cucumber that caught my eye ( Actually, it caught my pie! ). So I thought , why not give this handsome little cucumber a taste of what it would be like if it were a man! Cucumber lottery! After delicately washing and caressing the green veggie I give it a nice seductive blowjob. My pretty lipsticked lips can barely wrap around its girth, and my kitty starts to purr and juice up at the thought of Mr. Green being inside me. One hand down my Daisy Duke shorts and the other is pulling out my supple succulent breasts. Wish I had another helping hand, or two, or three, but the veggie will have to do for now. My clothes comes off and the ravishing begins! First Mr. Green enters my eager trimmed pussy from the rear. His size feels so darn good, but my asshole puckers as its a little scared that Mr
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